To contact us about local Self-Management workshops, to get on the lists for an upcoming workshop, or for more information, please email: self-management @osteo.wvsom.edu or call the CRCH Self-Management dedicated telephone line at 304-793-6851.
To learn more from the developers of the Self-Management Workshops, you can visit the Self-Management Center website.
Self-Management Programs
In 2014, the Center for Rural and Community Health (CRCH) became licensed to offer Stanford University Self-Management Programs under a multiple program license. CRCH offers trainings for the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and the Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP). We also are developing partnerships with organizations to promote and deliver high quality evidence-based community programs.
In the Self-Management workshops, participants practice strategies like action planning, brain storming, communication skills with partners and healthcare teams, decision making, and problem solving in a supportive group environment.
People with ongoing health problems can live a healthy life. However, the daily decisions made and how people care for themselves can make a real difference in how chronic conditions affect or limit their lives. The Stanford University self-management programs offer proven techniques and skills where participants can learn to help people actively manage chronic disease conditions and make life easier, as well as healthier. These programs have strategies that can help people reduce pain and stress, be more physically active, eat healthier, use medications wisely, proactively work with a health care team and make better decisions about their health.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP)
This workshop is a highly interactive six-session, two-hour peer-led health education workshop that utilizes the evidence-based Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) curriculum developed and tested at Stanford University.
This workshop teaches the skills needed in the day-to-day management of any type of ongoing chronic health condition in order to maintain and/or increase an active and fulfilling lifestyle. The curriculum teaches self-managed lifestyle change and coping strategies to enable participants to manage their health condition(s) and medications and to increase physical activity levels. People with different chronic health conditions and/or caregivers may attend this highly participative and supportive workshop.
Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP)
This program is a six-week workshop that takes place once a week for two hours and is facilitated by two trained peer leaders and/or master trainers. The program is designed to help people gain self-confidence in their ability to control their symptoms and understand how diabetes affects their lives.
This workshop teaches the skills needed in the day-to-day management of diabetes in order to maintain and/or increase an active and fulfilling lifestyle. The curriculum teaches self-managed lifestyle change and coping strategies to allow participants to manage their diabetes and medications and to increase physical activity levels. People with type 2 diabetes and/or caregivers may attend this highly participative and supportive workshop.
Chronic Pain Self-Management (CPSMP)
These evidence-based classes are highly participative. Mutual support and participant success will build participants' confidence in their ability to self-manage their pain which will give them more fulfilling lives. Those living with chronic pain or assisting others living with chronic pain will meet weekly for two and a half hours for a total of six weeks.